Travel and Tourism Translation Services

Every year, more than 79 million people from all over the world travel to the United States, which comprises a significant 1% of the world’s total population!

Our certified travel translation services cater to over 200 languages, guaranteeing precise translations delivered within 24 hours. Whether it’s hotel bookings, tour guides, or travel documents, our translations ensure seamless communication for international travelers. By breaking language barriers, we enhance the travel experience, making it smoother and more enjoyable for all.

Tourism Translation Services

As more tourists opt for international travel destinations, it's crucial for your company to provide information in the native languages of these travelers.

Given the wide array of individuals from various backgrounds visiting the United States, ensuring every tourist feels embraced and at ease during their stay poses a challenge. To address this, it’s imperative to tailor all informational resources to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps effectively.

We are able to translate:

Travel and Tour Interpretation Services

To address the challenges faced by travelers, it's essential for your brand to focus on catering to this specific demographic. This ensures effective communication throughout their journey, helping them navigate seamlessly.

We offer interpretation services for each budget or goal – including onsite, video-remote, and over-the-phone services.


Opting for an onsite interpreter proves invaluable for clients seeking constant support throughout their endeavors. Whether navigating through the intricacies of customs and immigration, arranging for transportation like car rentals, or making informed decisions about accommodations, having an onsite interpreter ensures a seamless experience, particularly during stressful situations.

Video Remote

Utilizing video remote services presents a practical solution for both time and cost savings. By eliminating the need to cover expenses related to an interpreter's travel and accommodation, significant savings are achieved. This streamlined approach not only optimizes financial resources but also ensures efficient utilization of time, making it an advantageous choice for various scenarios.


Our over-the-phone services offer a convenient solution for time-saving. Within minutes, we can connect you with a professional interpreter over the phone. This service is particularly beneficial for individuals whose primary language is not English.

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How Do We Guarantee the Highest Quality Translation Services?

Opting for an unvetted online tourism translator can spell disaster for your company.

Hiring an inexperienced translator could result in serious consequences for your brand. Poorly translated content filled with grammatical errors and inappropriate language can damage your reputation and drive potential customers away.

To safeguard against such risks, it’s crucial to partner with a translation company that thoroughly evaluates its translators. Our stringent vetting process begins with comprehensive language proficiency tests to ensure fluency in all relevant languages. Additionally, we assess candidates’ knowledge of the travel and tourism industry through specialized exams.

Furthermore, each translation undergoes meticulous review by our project managers to guarantee accuracy and consistency. By entrusting your translation needs to us, you can rest assured that your brand’s integrity and reputation are in capable hands.

We also require the following qualifications:

The Best Automotive Translation Company

The Global e-translation is the best media translation and media transcription services company in the industry today for the following reason:

The Global e-translation is the best media translation and media transcription services company in the industry today for the following reason:

We offer the fastest turnaround times.

We offer the lowest prices by eliminating service and hidden fees.

We only work with the best of the best translators in the industry.

We only work with the best of the best translators in the industry.

We are available 24/7 to answer of questions or help you with any concerns.

More Questions? Get in touch

Our team is ready to find a solution to your translation needs.